TAP it, Snap it
share it!
TapBooth is a FREE photobooth app for iOS that let's you run an un-managed photo booth style application for your event or party. Automatically email, print, text message or even update your social media feeds in real
time with photos taken at your event.
You choose which social media platform to publish to, enter hastags of your choice, "@" symbols, urls or text for the booth and as people use it your social media account is automatically updated in real time.
Custom Stands
for your event
Our heat transfer custom printed stands always impress. Designed by you to promote your event and/or product. Add professionalism to your next event. Contact us for more information.
How does it
Initiate the countdown timer by tapping/touching the screen. Get ready - this is gonna be good. Now is probably the time to get ready for awesomeness.
The countdown timer counts down from three and takes an epic picture. Hopefully you're still holding "the awesomeness" pose from step 1 - hang in there.
Maybe "the awesomeness" wasn't quite as awesome as it could be. No worries, you can try again. TapBooth will junk it, no one will ever see this sorry looking photo.
Setup TapBooth to post your photos in real-time to Facebook, Instagram (iphone only), email them out, sms/text message, print them, or save them to the device for use later.